Repair specialist: Water damage,any type wall or ceiling damage, match any texture.Skimwork and Plaster repair. There’s only a friction fit with the drywall and drywall mud has no internal structure (thus the need for a paper or fiberglass tape) to prevent cracking at the joint. Measure, cut and install new drywall to fit the repair area (image 2). Be sure to use drywall that matches the original wall thickness.

You’ll be pleased to learn that we take just as much care with our drywall workmanship as we do with our customer service. Drywall cracks can start off very fine and quickly widen and may even cause structural weakness. I like it because it is stronger than paper tape and does not require drywall mud bedding.drywall repair

Stress cracks or bad drywall corners are fiberglass or paper taped first, then repaired accordingly. Pull out any drywall nails that have popped out and replace them with 1 1/2-inch drywall screws. Scrape away any loose compound, and use a razor knife or drywall saw to expand the crack through the wall surface into the stud cavity (image 3). Avoid removing solid, well-adhered compound beyond the crack itself.

Before you start worrying about the newest hole in the wall, choose to work with Performance Painting Contractors. Our house painting specialists bring this same mindset to work when they perform drywall repair or removal. Drywall tape, when applied by a skilled painting contractor, can create a clean and seamless surface that even a well-trained eye cannot readily detect.

If the tape is intact and well-adhered, the crack was probably caused by the old drywall compound drying and shrinking. While fire consumes smoke absorbs into surrounding areas and cause a serious problem which isn’t easy to repair. This contractor offers painting, carpentry, wallpaper removal, drywall repair, kitchen cabinet refinishing, and other services that are backed with a written warranty.