Best Brick Fireplace Remodel Design Ideas & Remodel Pictures

Usually someone will become unhappy with the current look or function of the existing fireplace. Open shelving is normally a great way to open up a space, but that is not the case with this fireplace The mantel got lost in all the bulky shelves that surrounded it. And with no practical reason for the excessive number of shelves, something needed to be changed.

The fireplace in particular is an eyesore, and the old black stove conveniently placed smack-dab in the center of the room has got to go. You want to put in a large floor-to-ceiling surround between a bank of equally impressive windows that looks out over the landscape.

The smooth stone pops against the white walls and molding because of the stark difference in texture and color between the two elements Now that the fireplace is beautiful and appealing, the furniture surrounding it creates a cozy area to gather with family and friends.fireplace remodelfireplace remodel

Let’s say you’ve fallen in the love with the rich hues so prevalent on the runways this past fall and you’re willing to try something that maybe is a little risky, like painting the built in bookshelves that frame your fireplace a dark charcoal and incorporating jewel tones with splashes of vibrant color.

The new fireplace is now the room’s centerpiece with a sheet-metal surround and stained-oak trim. We can remove a fireplace, install a new fireplace and reface the walls in under a week most of the time. If a contemporary look is what you’re after, consider metallic colors like a stainless steel for your fireplace remodeling project.