Distinctive Remodeling Solutions offers premiere, professional whole-house renovations and remodeling solutions for homeowners in Metro Atlanta. BH remodeling did awesome job, highly recommend to anyone looking for reasonable price and works with homeowner’s needs. In many cases we can get you multiple remodeling estimates to help you find the best deal and save. The team from Metke remodeling did an outstanding job throughout the entire process.

Join Bruce as we discuss five challenges remodelers face in executing their ideas and tools to overcome those challenges. In 2005, hundreds of local companies participated in the Best Places to Work contest sponsored by the Wichita Business Journal, including Southwestern Remodeling.

Set house rules: Be clear about smoking, boom box noise levels, available bathrooms, and appropriate parking. Before you start your own remodeling project, asking the right questions will help you make informed decisions in which you can feel confident about. The bench and our antique overstuffed chair allow a place to read and visit in front of the woodstove that heats the whole house quickly and efficiently with firewood cut and stacked from our woods.

Lowe’s offers professional design and installation services to help you pull off your kitchen renovation , hassle-free. We’ve been focused on remodeling for over 38 years, so we have the expertise to advise you on the best way to approach your renovation.

Over the past 30 years, Southwestern Remodeling has been featured in numerous local and national publications, including the Qualified Remodeler. My son-in-law is currently deployed and unfortunately right before his deployment 7 months ago the upstairs bathroom pipes began flooding through the walls to the downstairs bathroom.