Update 01.180.6 Minor

Over the Winter semester, you may have noticed improvements in the University’s wireless network. City staff will be on location in August to get direct feedback from active transportation and recreational users of the seawall and answer questions. Without exception, If the PHA does not contact REAC by 10/31/2016, the Office of Capital Improvements will use the High Performers in the published list in the FFY 2017 Capital Fund formula.

EdgeHTML 15 now correctly maps images with an empty HTML alt” attribute to the presentation role, per the W3C HTML Accessibility API Mappings This is a common web pattern, and assistive technology users should notice less frequent stops on purely presentational images when using certain navigation and exploration modes in the screen readers.

For further information regarding our wireless network, please visit the Wireless Web site If you experience difficulties with the wireless network, or any infrastructure in general supported by IT Services, please contact the ITS Helpdesk at HelpDesk@ or via telephone at extension 4440.

Please see below for more about information about SPS levies and specific needs at Mercer. We received valuable information from local residents and businesses about changes that have occurred locally since the 2014 consultation. August 13 to 17, 2013 – We want to know how you currently use the seawall, what issues you experience, and how we can improve active transportation in the short and long term.

We published an improved and detailed Form G-1055, Fee Schedule (PDF, 242 KB) You can also find fee information in the form instructions and in detailed fee charts on many form landing pages. These meetings provide citizens the opportunity to participate in the Capital Improvement Plan process by contributing comments and suggestions about needed services and improvements.improvements

By Brina