
Typical Bathroom Remodeling Costs

Remodeling your bathroom in Coral Gables, FL can add exceptional value to your home. Small bathroom additions come in at an average of$42, addition cost is based on a six-by-eight foot space adding a vanity with a sink and faucets, a single, low-profile toilet, a thirty-by-sixty-inch bathtub/shower with ceramic tile, a mirrored medicine cabinet and linen storage closet, electrical rewiring, general and spot lighting, trim, and ceramic tile flooring.

When you start to pick and choose items to remodel your bathroom space , it is easy to spend above and beyond what you planned to. Below, we will go over …

Bathroom Renovations & Bathroom Remodeling

When it comes to home improvements, there are few more satisfying transformations than those that result from renovating your bathroom, a place that can set the tone for the rest of your day. We understand that you have worked hard to get to the point of remodeling your bathroom; that this should be a fun and exciting home remodel project, and the last thing you need from a company is a high pressure sales pitch. Plumbing is a specialized trade that often comes with hourly rates; expect to budget between $2,000 and $3,500 (or higher) for a full bathroom renovation.…

Bathroom Remodeling Strategies

The investment required to remodel any living space in your home varies based on several factors: whether you retain your existing footprint or design a new layout, keep the appliances in place or move them modest distances, your selections for door style, wood species, finishes, and hardware components the electrical needs or re-wiring requirements, and other product considerations such as flooring, countertops, lighting, plumbing, appliances and installation services. The more information a contractor has ahead of time, the more your bath remodel ideas will turn out exactly how you want it. A bathroom remodel can completely change your bathroom space, …

2017 Cost To Add A Bathroom

With home values on the rise in Dallas, Texas, many homeowners are now remodeling the essential spaces in their homes such as bathrooms and kitchens. This estimate for a 2017 Small Bathroom Remodel is derived from the unit cost method summarized in the American Institute of Architects Detailed Cost Estimating – Best Practices This approach is used by professional designers, contractors, engineers and estimators and uses current wages, material costs, worker productivity benchmarks, supervisory overhead and markup rates.

An upscale remodel includes expanding the room an additional 8 square feet into existing space, adding a window, moving fixtures such as …