A contraction refers specifically to the motion of the uterus 3 as part of the process of childbirth Contractions, and labour in general, is one condition that releases the hormone oxytocin into the body. Contractions are extremely common in English, particularly in the spoken language. Your midwife will probably advise you to stay at home until your contractions become frequent. In fact, if this is your first baby, most physicians or midwives suggest you stay in the comfort of your home until the contractions have reached five-minute intervals.

Several sets of demonstrative pronouns originated as contractions of aquĆ­ (here) + pronoun, or pronoun + otro/a (other): aqueste, aqueso, estotro etc. Thanks for stimulating my thoughts because like you I have found that palpation of a uterus a poor way of assessing the adequacy/strength of contractions and agree with much of your comments in this blog.

If something just seems different and new, pain or comfort wise, then ask if you might be having contractions. I had part of small bowel, large bowel, appendix and right ovary removed 5 weeks ago. This is a typical pattern but some women start their labour with strong, long contractions that are close together right from the beginning – remember everyone is different.contractions

I am two weeks into recovery From my small bowel surgery and reading this blog has really answered some concerns. Active labor (the time you should come into the hospital) is usually characterized by strong contractions that last 45 to 60 seconds and occur three to four minutes apart.contractions

Use contractions or not depending on whether you feel comfortable saying the phrase that way, in that sentence, in that context, for that audience. Woman, that is bearing a child under her heart may get confused by false (training) contractions. The move to hospital most likely inhibited her oxytocin release = more spaced out contractions.