A Brief Overview of Pond Maintenance

Overseeing a lake or stormwater pond is an important responsibility. However, the task can be intimidating. As a community or parks manager, you must maintain a healthy ecosystem and keep the area safe for the people who enjoy spending time there.

Every body of water requires its unique management plan. There are some general rules that you can follow, though. See below for some rules and tips for pond management.

Monitor the Vegetation

One of the most important aspects of a healthy shoreline is the surrounding vegetation. Utilizing native flowers and grasses helps buffer the shoreline from erosion and keeps out pollution. Some common species you might consider are cardinal flowers, blue-flag irises and pickerelweed.

Vegetation is essential, but you must also ensure the shoreline does not get overgrown by invasive flora. Allowing trees and brushes to overrun the shore can destroy the natural ecosystem, so make sure you pay attention to the viability of any species you introduce. If you identify an invasive or undesirable species, you need a professional to remove the plant without damaging the environment. Depending on your situation, they might use herbicides or physically remove the plants.

Test and Maintain the Water Quality

The water quality of your pond is essential as well. The vegetation will help with this to a certain extent, but you also need to limit pollutants that enter the water. Try placing trash cans and dog bag stations to encourage proper waste disposal. Cutting back on fertilizers is also an excellent way to prevent excessive algae growth that creates dangerous toxins. It is also a good idea to pay for regular water testing.

Taking care of a pond in your community helps to promote environmental health. A well-maintained pond is also aesthetically pleasing and can serve as a point of pride in your community. Contact a professional for a consultation if you are worried about the health of your local body of water.